
Kuwahara Serial Numbers

Factory Kuwaharas were made in Japan by a few different companies but mainly by Kuwahara’s in house factories during the early 80’s.

Most of the metal tubing was supplied by Tange Japan between 1979 and 1986. These tubes were welded together by the world famous Toyo Japan (hence the “T” stamped serial numbers on early models) as well as Kuwahara themselves. Kuwahara was so busy and to save costs, they had multiple factories welding their own bikes during this time as well. These frames were stamped with “K” serial numbers and even though they can be found on early models in 1980 to 1983, they are more common from 1984 to 1986. GJS Bicycles in the USA also welded some frames from 1981 to 1983 which are less common to find. In early 1986 (after March), production went to Taiwan after the Plaza Accord affected Japanese industries nationwide.

All Kuwahara forks, however, were made and welded together by Tange Japan except for the Giant made Pantera forks of 1983 to 1984 and the Anlun made forks of March 1986 and up.

Here is a breakdown of the serial numbers found on Kuwahara frame sets and forks between 1979 and 1985.

Toyo Stamped Frame Serial Numbers

Tange Made Tubing welded by Toyo Japan
Found on KZ, Laserlite, Survivor, Nova, KYZ, E.T., KM-1 and 24 models
1979 – 1984

Stamped: T1A0001 (underside of bottom bracket)
T = Toyo / 1 = 1981 / A = Month / 0001 = Unit # produced of the month

Ex. T3J1340 = The 1,340th frame made by Tange in October of 1983
Ex. T9K1576 =  The 1,576th frame made by Tange in November of 1979

*T stands for Toyo who welded the Tange tubings.  If marked “TANGE JAPAN”, then the frames were welded by Tange.

Tange Made Fork Serial Numbers

Found on KE-1, KZ, Laserlite, Surivivor, Nova, KYZ, E.T., KM-1 and 24 models
1979 – 1985

Stamped: Tange OA (on steerer tube)
Tange / 0 = 1980 / A = Month

Ex. Tange 3C = Tange made fork in March of 1983
Ex. Tange 9I = Tange made fork in September of 1979

*Tange Made forks were welded and stamped by Tange

Kuwahara Stamped Frame Serial Numbers

Tange Made Tubing welded by Kuwahara
Found on KE (Kuwahara) , KZ, Laserlite, Survivor, Nova, and KM models
1979 – 1986

Stamped: K1A0001 (underside of bottom bracket)
K = Kuwahara / 1 = 1981 / A = Month / 0001 = Unit # produced of the month

Ex. K4C0560 = The 560th frame made by Kuwahara in March of 1984

Stamped: 79 1 00001 (underside of bottom bracket)
First 2 Numbers = Year / Second Number = Month / 0001 = Unit # produced of the month

Ex. 79 12 00358 = The 358th frame made by Kuwahara in December of 1979

G.J.S. Stamped Frame Serial Numbers

Tange Made tubing welded by G.J.S. BIcycles
Found on KZ, Laserlite, and KM-1 models
1981 – 1983

Stamped: KGA 1 0001 (underside of bottom bracket)
K = Kuwahara / G = G.J.S. / Third Letter = Year / First Number = Month / 0001 = Unit # produced of the month

Ex. KGC 8 1130 = The 1,130th frame made by GJS in August of 1983
Ex. KGB 12 1100 = The 1,100th frame made by GJS in December of 1982
Ex. KGA 7 0830 = The 830th frame made by GJS in July of 1981

Apollo Stamped Frame Serial Numbers

Kuwahara made Frames
Found on Apollo, Apollo E.T. and Apollo 16 models
1980 – 1987

Stamped: 80-01-00001 (on left side of seat post tube)
80 = 1980 / 01 = Month / 00001 = Unit # produced of the month

Ex. 81-09-64191 = The 191st (or possiblly 64,191st) frame made by Apollo in September of 1981
Ex. 83-10-71465 =  The 465th (or possiblly 71,465th) frame made by Apollo in October of 1983

Stamped: N72856 or N7395C
breakdown explanation n/a

Giant Made Frame Serial Numbers

Found on Pantera models
1983 – 1985

Stamped: G0184 (on right rear dropout) & 4684981 (on left rear dropout)
G = Giant / 01 = Month / 84 = Year
4684981 = Unit # produced of the month

Ex. G0783 = Made by Giant in July of 1983
Ex. G1284 = Made by Giant in December of 1984